Parent of a Tween Girl?

If so, you know that your little girl isn't so little anymore and you're facing crazy new parenting challenges! Unfortunately, many parents make the mistake of thinking they can keep doing things the same way as before.

You can't! Your tween is facing all sorts of new-to-her physical, social and emotional changes that, honestly, she could use some help with. 

You might think she’s equipped for anything that comes her way and, without meaning to, not connecting with her enough and not helping her gain enough skills to thrive.

She wants and needs you to level-up your communication with her! BaseCamp Girl was made for you and your tween to get through these changes more easily and create a solid foundation for great life-long communication.

I want this!

Tailored Content

BaseCamp Girl content is specifically designed to resonate with tween girls and their caring adults. 

It was created with age-appropriate personal growth topics for tween girls to help them develop greater confidence, self-esteem, and skills to navigate the complexities of the world around them, while building stronger communication with you!

You're In This Together

BaseCamp Girl consists of animated videos covering topics like self-esteem, confidence, and mean kids. Fun workbook pages are included for enhanced learning.

But she doesn’t do this program on her own! There are also workbook pages for you! They're designed to facilitate conversation and connection between you and your tween.

Why Girls? 

Why not?

Approximately 14 million tween girls (age 8 to 12) live in the United States. Studies show--and have shown for years--that their self-esteem peaks at age 9 and for a lot of them, it decreases sharply within three years—by age 12! Studies have also shown that 7 in 10 girls believe that they aren’t good enough or don’t measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members. BaseCamp Girl strives to combat these statistics.

Research also shows that the top wish among all teen girls is for their parents to communicate better with them, including frequent and more open conversations. BaseCamp Girl helps you build a solid foundation for great communication as you go through the program together. What could be more important?

Of course I want to build rock-solid communication with my tween! 

Let's get started!

Six Month Subscription


Subscription Features

  • Four new animated videos every month, released 2x/monthly
  • Corresponding, printable PDF workbook pages for Tweens
  • Corresponding, printable PDF workbook pages for Grown Ups
  • Early access to new content and releases

Six Month Subscription Prepaid (15% Savings)


MOST POPULAR - 15% discount

  • Four new animated videos every month, released 2x/monthly
  • Corresponding, printable PDF workbook pages for Tweens
  • Corresponding, printable PDF workbook pages for Grown Ups
  • Early access to new content and releases