
BaseCamp Girl - Printed Edition



  • 27 animated videos
  • 80 page workbook for your tween, mailed to your home
  • 40 page workbook for you, mailed to your home
  • Early access to new content and releases
  • NOTE - Upon purchase you will receive immediate access to videos. Workbooks will arrive within 3-5 days

BaseCamp Girl - Instant Access



  • 27 animated videos
  • 56 corresponding, printable PDF activity pages for your tween
  • 26 corresponding, printable PDF pages for you
  • Early access to new content and releases

Parent of a Tween Girl?

If so, you might be feeling lost in the woods. Your little girl isn't so little anymore and you're both facing new challenges (false summits), and maybe feeling up a creek without a paddle! Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can keep doing things as you always have. It’s time to try a new route!

Your tween is facing all sorts of new-to-her physical, social and emotional mountains that she needs help climbing! You might think she’s got the right gear for anything that comes her way but there’s a good chance she doesn’t.  

She needs you to show her the ropes and be her waypoint. Now is the time to build a rock-solid relationship with her that will last into adulthood. And she might not say it, but this is something she wants and needs from you.

Don’t leave your map at home on this journey! BaseCamp Girl was made for you and your tween to get through these changes more easily and create a solid foundation for amazing life-long communication.

No other product on the market includes YOU on the trek, and no other product is quite like ours. So, pack your backpacks, and let’s get to the trailhead!

Let's Go!

Tailored Content

BaseCamp Girl is the only program of its kind on the market! Our content is specifically designed to resonate with tween girls ages 8-12, and their caring adults (you!).

The program contains age-appropriate personal growth topics for tween girls to develop greater confidence and self-esteem, as well as skills to navigate the complexities of the world around them. And, BaseCamp Girl facilitates activities and opportunities for you to strengthen your relationship with her in the process.

You're In This Together

You, yes you, are a huge part of BaseCamp Girl’s design! This is one thing that makes the program totally unique.

Not only will your tween enjoy our animated videos covering topics like self-esteem, confidence, and mean kids. But she, and YOU, both have fun activity pages to enhance learning and facilitate great conversations!

Her learning will be amplified because she will be working through BaseCamp Girl alongside you! Pretty cool for both of you, right?

Why Girls? 

 Approximately 14 million tween girls (age 8 to 12) live in the United States alone. For years, studies have shown that self-esteem for many of them peaks at age 9 and decreases sharply within three years—by age 12! Studies have also shown that 7 in 10 tween girls believe that they aren’t good enough or don’t measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members. In fact, 2 out of 3 girls don’t speak their minds because they are worried about not being liked if they do.

Research also shows that the top wish among all teen girls is for their parents to communicate better with them, including frequent and more open conversations.

BaseCamp Girl strives to combat these statistics and give you and your tween a compass to get through this chapter of life.

BaseCamp Girl lays the foundation for great communication with your tween as you go through the program together but also helps her feel good about herself! Results from our program will be noticeable into adulthood and you will be thankful you opted to go on this journey with her.

Start Today!

Of course I want to build rock-solid communication with my tween! 

Let's start this adventure!